
Saturday, 13 June 2015

Apc picks p square

Nigeria's 2015 general elections have come and gone but the successful conduct of the elections will still remain in the minds of many. Many Nigerian celebrities indeed benefited from the various rallies staged by the different political parties across the country without considering who was going to emerge as the winner. Not minding the various critiques gotten after the elections had ended over the choice of candidate they supported, they stars still smiled to the bank while critiques continue to tongue lash. Now as Nigerians await to see the handing over of the leadership position to a new government on May 29, 2015, some entertainers may have been consulted to come perform on the inauguration day. One of the entertainer in the know is the singing duo of P-Square, who are currently on their way to Abuja for their rehearsals ahead of the handing over date.

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