
Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Tips for New Graduates Entering Labour Market

With a fresh class of graduates getting ready to entering today's challenging job market, it's important that these new job seekers avoid a number of potential mistakes that could prevent them from getting hired.Tips for New Graduates Entering Labour Market

In an Interview with a renowned Marketing consultant in Pennsylvania Patriot-News that graduates can make the transition from student to professional by first cleaning up their online profile. She said these new job candidates should Google themselves and go at least 10 pages deep to make sure their online presence is "squeaky clean."

"Create a social personal for yourself that’s as powerful as your resume,” She said. "Get on LinkedIn and other professional social networking sites. Put your resume online. Put your best self forward online as well as offline. "

She told the news agency that recent graduates also need to brush up on their old school networking skills by meeting people in their field face-to-face rather than just through social media sites, and to make sure they are dressed in business attire during all industry social gatherings.

According to Labor Statistics, professionals with a post secondary degree on their resume can earn $1,000 more per week than those with some or no college education.

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