video has emerged of the awkward - and hilarious - moment a student is
caught watching porn during a lecture because he forgot to plug his
earphones in. The student (I circled him) had been sitting quietly in a
lecture at Sydney's University of NSW with his headphones on while he
tapped away at his laptop.
But while the lecturer is explaining his PowerPoint slides in front of
hundreds of students, erotic noises suddenly fill the room.
Sounds of amorous gasps and screams from the porn film echo through the lecture hall while the students erupt in laughter.

Finally, he catches on, and starts tracing the chord on his headphones
back to the laptop - at which point he receives another huge laugh.
Sounds of amorous gasps and screams from the porn film echo through the lecture hall while the students erupt in laughter.
Meanwhile, the man on the laptop appears totally unaware as to why the others are laughing.

He attempts to plug the earphones into the machine a couple of times
before slamming the computer shut and storming out of the lecture hall,
visibly stunned and embarrassed by his clumsy ordeal.
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